I don’t even remember why I’m writing this post; I’ve been lost in pages and pages of geeks and inks for the last couple hours. Here are some of the geekiest tattoos you’ve ever seen:
“Leslie” must be so proud.
If you really love the Fibonacci sequence.
Endless love; End of hate.
Where the head ends and the body begins.
BSOD! Shades of 1998 *shiver*.
Probably my fav, but XML !friendly.
This is kinda hot. #JustSayin
It’s the Golden Rule!
Oh, I’ll connect your dots…
Pen tool, ftw!
Maybe the hardest-core, given where it is.
I want some red/blue glasses to try this one out.
A popular font name in…itself.
A little disturbing, but very cool.
Gotta have a Mario tattoo.
–Reader Submitted–
“Whitney” in binary by…Whitney
General Grievous by James
Yoda by James
Well, I hope that was as fun for you as it was for me. Do you have any particularly geeky tattoos you’d like to add? Send them to me, and I’ll add them to the post!
What do you think about the tattoos featured here?
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JerseyViolet says:
April 6, 2010 at 2:30 pm
>These are pretty neat, but there are a ton of thoroughly geeky tattoos in the world of the Harry Potter fandom. I have one of my own, and a friend of mine is the proud owner of two of the geekiest tattoos I've ever seen.
tulipknife says:
April 6, 2010 at 2:37 pm
>That spiderman tatto is cool, it looks so real and expensive!
KyleeLane says:
April 6, 2010 at 2:56 pm
>A friend on twitter just pointed me here! Good finds! <3 I have Final Fantasy, Disgaea, Boba Fett, Engineering insignia, IWIN button….and so on…It is awesome to see a collection primary full of "Tech Geeks" (or whatever, I am not hip and have no clue what the term is…) Font ink doesn't get seen as often and it is so so gorgeous!
Anon12019 says:
April 6, 2010 at 3:15 pm
tkjedi says:
April 6, 2010 at 4:13 pm
>My 2 nerdy tattoos…
Nyko Ongawa says:
April 6, 2010 at 10:36 pm
>My favs are the love/hate one and the mario shrooms. I think I'll have my fiancee tattoo me of the shrooms thanks for the inspire
Wade Burch says:
April 6, 2010 at 11:44 pm
>No kidding – it must have taken a long, long time, too. Thank you.
Wade Burch says:
April 6, 2010 at 11:48 pm
>I've never seen font ink before, but I agree – it is gorgeous! I did concentrate more on the tech geekiness, but there is so much more out there. Yours sound pretty awesome.
Thank you, Kylee!
Wade Burch says:
April 6, 2010 at 11:50 pm
>Nice! I'll add it to the post tonight or tomorrow. Do you have a twitter or blog account I should reference?
Wade Burch says:
April 6, 2010 at 11:53 pm
>True, but the spirit of the tattoo is perfectly clear. I think it's outstanding.
Wade Burch says:
April 6, 2010 at 11:54 pm
>Isn't it? Fascinating and scary at the same time. I'd like to meet the owner of it. =O
Thank you, Mechelle!
Wade Burch says:
April 6, 2010 at 11:56 pm
>You're very welcome! I think those are discreet, classic, and fun. Good choice =P
Thank you, Nyko!
Wade Burch says:
April 7, 2010 at 6:45 am
>I'm afraid nothing showed up. Would you like to email them to me to be posted? The link is at the bottom of the post and in the bio at the bottom of the page. Thank you!
tkjedi says:
April 7, 2010 at 1:17 pm
>I tried to post a link to the photos. I have emailed them to you as attachments.
Jesse says:
July 26, 2011 at 2:35 am
>I have those exact mushrooms tattoos that the girl with the yellow nails have mine are on my forearms and a tad bigger. It's the only picture i've seen that are the same as mine:)
matt says:
August 31, 2011 at 10:09 am
>I've the mushroom tattoo's aswell. same location same exact design.. the green mushroom i have is darker however, i sent in photo's to put up
Theis Kofoed Hjorth says:
September 26, 2012 at 10:01 am
The pen tool is mine. Please respect my (cc) license with attribution:
Thanks for blogging it!