Well, maybe not that, but it sure does do everything else. Through expanding Facebook integration for outside content and the rapid development of internal apps, Facebook is becoming a more ubiquitous and interactive home for the internet user. Facebook addicted by Vasjen Katro For most people, Facebook is simply a way to keep connected with …
Tag Archive: Internet
Mar 29 2010
Google, Should I?
I’ll be the first to say that I love Google, and I run to it for information on just about anything that crosses my mind. Therefore, I include myself in the next statement: It’s moderately ridiculous how much we depend on Google to help us live our lives. I don’t remember what I was searching …
Mar 26 2010
Panic! When The Digital Sky Is Falling
We’ve all confessed it at some point or other – we’d be useless without our smartphones, and dead without the internet. A lot of our distress comes from our inability to make decisions without digital input. Here are some services we depend on and the trouble that ensues when we lose them. So I was …
Mar 21 2010
Google: The American National Champion
Google has been making headlines in almost every arena over the last couple years. From technology to philanthropy to infrastructure to research to international politics, the Mountain View, CA, company is managing to impact nearly every American in some way and is taking on the role of national champion to spread its influence far and …
Mar 09 2010
You Can Pay Me Anywhere
Who, a decade ago, would have charged fifty cents to a credit card for a newspaper? Or conceived of using said credit to pay a buddy back for a soda? Credit cards and electronic fund transfers, like writing checks, used to be a thing reserved for large payments. No more – enter: the micropayment. Every …
Feb 26 2010
Every Home Connected: National Internet Plan
A recent survey conducted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) found that a whopping nearly one-third of the U.S. population (93 million people) do not subscribe to broadband at home. The main causes have been identified, and the government plans to address them at the national level. Le musée de la Communication de Berlin, courtesy …
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