We say it as much for ourselves as we do for our kids: “nap time.” Theories abound as to the best way to nap, but honestly most people have never looked into the science behind the ritual. A deeper understanding of the short sleep we call a nap can help us to benefit much better …
Apr 05 2010
Facebook Slices Your Bagels!
Well, maybe not that, but it sure does do everything else. Through expanding Facebook integration for outside content and the rapid development of internal apps, Facebook is becoming a more ubiquitous and interactive home for the internet user. Facebook addicted by Vasjen Katro For most people, Facebook is simply a way to keep connected with …
Apr 04 2010
[uTweet.it] Future Typing: Four Ways to Input Text
The physical QWERTY keyboard is, and will be for some time, the most common way to input text to a desktop or laptop. With the expansion of tablet and slate computing, however, these bulky, mechanical devices are sure to go out of style. Or are they? Let’s look at the currently available options for text …
Apr 03 2010
The [uTweet.it] Series
As some of you may know, I have been writing a weekly article for the startup online magazine, uTweet.it. For the sake of better exposure for both the magazine and my own articles, I’m going to start posting summaries of each article here. First, though, some information on the publication. Conceived by Paul Clarke in …
Apr 02 2010
Google Is The New God
When times get rough, where do you turn for answers and support? Some people look to family and friends, some people listen for the voice within, and some people pray to a higher power for guidance. Chances are, though, your first stop is the electronic Gaia we call the Interwebs. Prayer at dawn by …
Apr 01 2010
Optimism: Do You Make The Choice?
For most, optimists are people who always see the proverbial glass as half-full. In truth, however, optimism is not a passive way of looking at life – it is an active, daily choice. Read on to learn about the word, ‘optimism’ and how to apply it to your own life. The dictionary definition of optimism …
Mar 31 2010
The Geekiest Tattoos You Ever Did See
I don’t even remember why I’m writing this post; I’ve been lost in pages and pages of geeks and inks for the last couple hours. Here are some of the geekiest tattoos you’ve ever seen: “Leslie” must be so proud. If you really love the Fibonacci sequence. Endless love; End of hate. Where the head …
Mar 30 2010
A Twitter Portrait of @Alyssa_Milano
A number of Twitter tools and apps exist to help us visualise the millions of tweeple and their billions of tweets. I kept toying with one for a while, and I found it particularly well-suited to generate a snapshot of the foundational Twitter celebrity that is Alyssa Milano. This particular Twitter tool is called, “Twitter …
Mar 29 2010
Google, Should I?
I’ll be the first to say that I love Google, and I run to it for information on just about anything that crosses my mind. Therefore, I include myself in the next statement: It’s moderately ridiculous how much we depend on Google to help us live our lives. I don’t remember what I was searching …
Mar 28 2010
What I’ve -Literally- Learned From Blogging
We often hear about how blogging expands our creativity, social reach, writing proficiency, branding credibility, and general knowledge. However, I realized the other night when my brilliant topical explanation became a lecture that the general knowledge bit has really taken off. Here’s what I’ve literally learned about from blogging. Blogging Research Wordle by Kristina B …
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