When a CNN article broke today over NASA Administrator Charles Bolden’s concerns about job losses under Obama’s proposed budget (check it out: Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2011), my first reaction was of frustration and disgust. “Always, they are stripping the space exploration budgets!” I cried. A quick dig into the Whitehouse.gov …
Monthly Archive: February 2010
Feb 06 2010
Why Apple is Changing Video (Simplified)
The recent announcement that Apple’s iPad would not support Adobe’s Flash (the scripting behind video sites such as Hulu) irritated me a good bit at first. I already know people who watch videos on iPhones; I could very easily see two or three people whipping out an iPad (in downtime on set? in an office …
Feb 03 2010
Politics of Social Change, or Molasses in Winter
If ever I thought the entertainment industry was full of “hurry up and wait,” I have only to look at Capitol Hill. Last week (Wednesday, January 28, to be exact) marked the end of the first stage of Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the federal trial over Proposition 8 and its ban on same-sex marriage. According to …
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